Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Family Day

Liem: 30 Months
Priscilla: 10 Weeks

A day with family can be just what the doctor ordered, or it can be disastrous. Thankfully, it was just what we needed today. We got to sleep in a bit, be with my fabulous in-laws, and enjoy a wonderful dinner.

Liem's lesson 1: Anatomy
Liem is learning the differences between boys and girls. He displayed his knowledge this morning when he told my husband and I, "Daddy has pecks, Liem has pecks, and Mommy has boobies."

Liem's Lesson 2: The care and feeding of babies.
I am a nursing mother, and this is something my bright boy can't miss. Shortly after Priscilla was born, he made an observation, "Priscilla's eating Mommy's milkshakes." I was impressed with his very astute observation for a two year old. But I got a little worried recently when he came to me while I was nursing and said, "I want milkshakes, too." I needed some clarification so asked, "You want Mommy's milkshakes?" I was thankful when he said, "No! I want McDonald's milkshakes."

Liem's Lesson 3: You just have to ask the right person.
Liem has recently begun to ask me for something if he didn't get the answer he wanted and vice-versa. We're teaching him this isn't okay. But today, it served him well.
He loves to ride the riding mower. And he'll ride for as long as his pilot will take him. No one said he wasn't allowed, just that they were done. So to continue riding when one said, "I'm done," he just went from Daddy to Grandpa to Uncle for quite some time. The only way we were able to get him to be done was to tell him the "mow mow" was tired and needed to sleep.

Mommy's Lesson 1: Boys mark their territory.
Liem has a few bug bites from playing outside, and he has a very hard time not scratching them. So we put fun bandaids on to help. I am beginning to think we need to reconsider the types of bandaids we're using, though. He seems to think of them more as stickers than bandaids. He puts them on his things and says, that's Liem's. This was taken one step further when my sister-in-law found Donald Duck on her fridge after we left today.

Daddy's Lesson: Some things just aren't funny.
Our day had two oddities. 1) I felt sick to my stomach all day for no apparent reason. 2) Prissy had a huge crying fit, and became nearly inconsolable---very unusual for her. My husband tried to help me explain these things. 1) You're pregnant again. 2) She's just teething. Thankfully, the answer to both of these is "No!" But he almost found himself sleeping on the couch.

Liem with Grandpa on the mow-mow:

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