Liem: 28 months
Priscilla: 20 days
Mommy's Lesson 1: Children and poop are synonymous.
Today, my dad pointed out to me that almost all my blogs include something about poo. At first I thought that was odd; but then I really thought about it. I change at least 7 poopy diapers a day between my two children---more if one of them is especially active. I may get lucky and have a little less if I can convince my son to use the potty. It is almost impossible to not have some kind of smelly experience from my day. Maybe in the future, I will try to eliminate a few BM stories. But, lest today be any different from the norm . . .
Mommy's Lesson: Save the talking for after Liem's bedtime.
Liem' Lesson: Dog poop is not play dough.
My husband and I try to grab a few moments to talk in between the madness. These moment are rare, since they are usually when both children are temporarily settled---mainly our two-year-old. Occasionally, though, we try to grab a moment to discuss something when he is awake. Today is a prime example of why we don't normally do this. I let Liem play outside unsupervised. I knew he was digging in mud, fresh from the day's rain---I was okay with this. Boys and dirt go together like cupcakes and frosting. What I didn't know was that while my husband and I talked about needing a bigger car, Liem was building dog poop castles. Then, realizing the reprimanding that he would incur, he decided he should wash his hands. So he went into our bathroom and got poop all over my sink, soap dispenser, cabinets and towels. He then realized he was unable to turn the water on. At this point he comes to me and says, "I need to wash my hands, Mommy," displaying his very messy hands. I didn't know he'd already been in my bathroom, but the poo was all over his shirt, his hands, and his arms. I told him to go rinse in his pool to get the big stuff. He did, then came back in and wiped his hands on my couch and jeans---now I and my couch are wearing soggy poop. I tool him to the bathroom and saw the mess from his own attempt to clean up. I washed his hands and arms, and my bathroom and realized it was also all over his legs and in his hair. The end result was Daddy giving him a bath and giving Mommy a break.
Mommy's Lesson 2: Just be patient.
Liem has been doing a lot better with his sister. And a lot better with me, too. He especially does well if he thinks no one is watching. Today, I stepped out of the room to make lunch and left he and Priss in my room. When I came back he had pulled her blanket over her. She didn't need it, but he was taking care of his little sister. What a blessing to see that patience and not pushing is working.
A picture from one of Liem's muddy adventures this Spring & Prissy after Liem had covered her:
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